TRADE NEWS. Arklow Marine Services attended The Skipper Expo in Galway, last weekend 8 & 9 March 2019. Billy Tyrrell is pleased to report of a very busy two days on the stand with many enquiries for new builds. Our…
Continue Reading→Steel Works for CIL (Commissioners of Irish Lights) Granuaile
MARINE ENGINEERING. Steel fabrication work has started at our facility in Arklow, Co Wicklow on a new crane base for a new Melcal crane that is to be mounted on the starboard side of the CIL vessel Granuaile. All steel…
Continue Reading→18m Fish Farm Vessel under consutruction
BOAT BUILDING. The steel work for the new 18m Fish farm vessel for MOWI – Marine Harvest has just commenced. This vessel is due for delivery later this year. This fishing vessel is a similar build in all respects to…
Continue Reading→New 19m Crabber nearing completion – “AmberLisa”
BOAT BUILDING. Currently under construction at the yard, and due to be launched later this month, is this 19m Crabber for McNeil family from Glasgow. Measuring 19 x 7 x 4.2 m depth with a steel hull and part aluminium…
Continue Reading→Irish Tar Bitumen Tanker Flue Refit
GENERAL ENGINEERING. As well as marine engineering, we also regularly carry out general engineering works, including servicing, repair and refurbishment of machinery. This week we completed the refit of a Bitumen Tanker Flue for Irish Tar. A further tanker is…
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